Liquidation on Loop is extremely rare, even amidst price fluctuations and volatility, thanks to its delta-neutral design.
Liquidation on Loop is extremely rare, even amidst price fluctuations and volatility, thanks to its delta-neutral design.
When leveraging strategies with Loop, your open position serves as collateral for external protocols/actions: this includes both your initial funds and the borrowed amount obtained from the protocol. Loop continually monitors the composition of your portfolio and can assess its value at all times, with all calculations made in the underlying borrowed asset in which you opened that position.
Loop employs a risk model to continuously evaluate the quality-value of an open position. For each position, it calculates a health factor. This health factor is publicly accessible, allowing anyone to check it and liquidate positions with a health factor less than 1.
As a user managing a looped position, it's crucial to closely monitor your health factor. Maintaining a health factor just above 1 places you at risk of liquidation, as even minor fluctuations in market values can quickly bring it below this critical threshold.
If an open position is liquidated, a certain percentage of the assets goes to the third-party liquidator who carried out the liquidation, while another portion is allocated to the dLP and lpETH stakers. These liquidation fees can vary between different strategies, depending on the designated safety margin for liquidation errors.
3-4% going to the liquidator
1,5% to dLP / lpETH staker
The Health Factor is a numerical indicator of the stability of your account. Should your Health Factor fall below 1, or approach this critical level, you are at risk of facing liquidation. The higher this value, the more secure your position is considered.
borrowed amount
Represents the Positions balance in the underlying asset.
balance of the i-th asset in the position
price if i-th asset calculated in underlying asset (from oracle)
Quota amount for i-th asset in the position
balance of the i-th asset in the position
price if i-th asset calculated in underlying asset (from oracle)
the Loan-To-Value liquidation threshold for the i-th asset
Liquidation thresholds represents maximum allowable ratio of Loan-To-Value for the i-th asset (LTV is reciprocal of over-collaterization ratio of i-th asset). LT_i for underlying asset is constant and equals:
Loop uses statistics of 5-min, 15-min, 1h change of i-th asset's price (price is in the underlying asset) for the last 180 days.
Anybody can run a liquidator bot and secure the protocol. You can chat about setting up your bot and other liquidator-things in Discord.